! BackFeenstra & Taylor: International Trade
FdownloadInternational Trade
Robert C. Feenstra, Alan M. Taylor
- Chapter 1 Trade in the Global Economy
- Chapter 2 Trade and Technology: The Ricardian Model
- Comparative Advantage Module
- Competitive Market - Market Forces Module
- Chapter 3 Gains and Losses from Trade in the Specific-Factors Model
- Chapter 4 Trade and Resources: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model
- Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between Countries
- Chapter 6 Increasing Returns to Scale and Monopolistic Competition
- Price Takers Module
- Monopoly Module
- Cournot Competition
- Chapter 7 Offshoring of Goods and Services
- Chapter 8 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Perfect Competition
- Competitive Market - Efficiency Module (Coming soon!)
- Competitive Market - Taxes Module
- Competitive Market - Price Control Module
- Chapter 9 Import Tariffs and Quotas under Imperfect Competition
- Chapter 10 Export Subsidies in Agriculture and High-Technology Industries
- Competitive Market w/ subsidy
- Chapter 11 International Agreements: Trade, Labor, and the Environment