Recruiting Games: Soft Skill Assessment with Behavioral Insights

Build high-performance and cohesive teams

Find the right talent for your team with our innovative game-based soft-skill assessment, backed by the latest insights from behavioral and cognitive sciences.
Behaviors speak
more than words
Resumes and conventional aptitude tests can’t always predict a candidate’s performance and company fit. Our assessment uses immersive games to elicit and assess an individual’s behavioral traits to help you find the right talent fit for your team.
Behaviors speak more than words

A better way of assessing soft skills

Immersive Engagement
Immersive Engagement
Enable candidates to respond naturally and reveal a clearer picture of their true potential.
Objective Measurements
Avoid biases from conventional self-report questionnaires and improve accuracy through task-based elicitations.
Objective Measurements
Actionable Results
Actionable Results
Make informed decisions via behavioral insights, candidate comparisons, suggested interview questions, and team fit indicators.
Use Case Adaptable
Highly Adaptable
Select and configure recruiting games to fit your talent acquisition needs: campus recruiting, management trainee selection, and/or low-to-middle leadership selection.
Flexible Reporting
Flexible Reporting
Get insights from data in multiple ways, including batch export, tailored reports, and team-level fit analysis.
Holistic Recruitment
Holistic Recruitment
Make decisions backed by the latest organizational behavior research, emphasizing measurement of key soft skills that hold high predictive power to career success and team performance.
Trusted by these great organizations
A great team starts with identifying the right talent
Start your talent discovery journey and unlock the true potentials of your team!