Game Map - Public Economics
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Public Economics


Public Goods and Free Riding

MobLab Game: Public Goods: Linear

Key Teaching Points:

  • Highlights the features of public goods: non-rival and non-excludable.
  • Shows the tension between individual and group welfare.
  • Experience the free-rider problem.

Additional games include Public Goods: Discrete (Threshold) and Public Goods: Rewards and Punishment


MobLab Game: Externalities with Policy Intervention

Key Teaching Points:

  • Show a divergence between market price and quantity and the socially optimal price and quantity for an externality-generating good.
  • Demonstrate that taxes and subsidies help individuals to internalize these externalities.
  • Explore tradable permit market for a good with a negative externality.

Tax Incidence

MobLab Game: Competitive Market

Key Teaching Points:

  • Show that the competitive-market equilibrium maximizes total surplus (absent external costs or benefits).
  • Show that taxes affect equilibrium outcomes and result in deadweight loss.
  • Demonstrate the difference between who pays the tax and who bears the burden of the tax.
  • Experience how who bears the burden of the tax depends on elasticities.

Public Choice

MobLab Game: Voter Turnout (Two Candidate)

Key Teaching Points:

  • Explore the paradox of voting with students.
  • Explore comparative statics such as the size effect, competition effect, and underdog effect.

MobLab Game: Two Candidate Election

Key Teaching Points:

  • Familiarize students with the spatial model of voting.
  • In the standard one-dimensional spatial voting model with two candidates, in equilibrium both candidates choose the policy most preferred by the median voter.

MobLab Game: Multilateral Bargaining

Key Teaching Points:

  • Students experience coalition formation and how majority rule may lead to unequal distribution of resources.
  • Demonstrate the power of the proposer.

Common-Pool Resources

MobLab Game: Commons: Fishery

Contingent Valuation

MobLab Game: Blank Survey

Key Teaching Points:

  • Create your own survey-based experiment on contingent valuation using our Blank Survey tool. You can create different frames to elicit student WTP and WTA for non-market goods.